Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's been real

This blog will no longer be active. Although I've enjoyed this little project and it's gotten me through some rough patches. But, time to move on.

A new blog on science, internet culture, technology, and other misc cool shit can be found here. Follow!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Spread the Deviant Love

The initial query was whether or not pornography reigns as the top influence of the development of the internet. After some looking around and a bit of thinking - I think that the internet has given the power for porn to explode - to become available to anyone at any time, and in complete privacy. With the advent of porn sites, they have evolved to an extraordinary phenomenon - you can find a site for anything and often times, these sites are now free.

I thought this blog was going to be outlining the history of porn, but now I realize that would just be wasted time and duplicating efforts, as when I Googled "history of Porn" the first hit I got was Xeni Jardins "A Brief History of Porn" (cleverly ripped off the title of Hawkings A Brief History of Time). If you are not familiar with Xeni, she is a contributor to If you are not familiar with BoingBoing, I suggest you check it out, it's the coolest blog on the web. For Xeni's "history" article go here:

Anyway - my initial idea for writing today included the time line of sexual imagery in society, or about how natural the sexual instinct is to people, so it's only logical that the viewing of our PRIMAL instinct would become so incredibly popular - but these are all topics you can search for yourselves.

It's incredibly interesting to me how readily available porn is thanks to the internet. Pornography - an "industry" that started as drawings of coitus on cave walls, to figurines of a large breasted, well rounded woman with a swollen vagina symbolizing the ideal shape and view of a woman's fertility in the Venus of Willendorf to photographs and magazines, and now to the massive sharing of images and videos via multiple porn sites, image boards (4chan), and torrents.

Mobile technology is rapidly advancing and with the release of the iPhone sparking a trend of super smart phones, you can take the internet with you anywhere, and that means taking porn with you anywhere, and accessing it at anytime, any place... even work. So, what will that mean for sex addicts, or porn addicts? Now it's accessible with just a short trip to the bathroom - not that I've tried, or anything.

Also, the Internets aid in the evolution of porn has allowed many fetish groups to go public, to exploit and profit from what they could only keep secret in the past. Now it's made public for all to see and maybe, delight in.

Sites now, such as:

give you the access to free porn by category. The categories have a variety of themed scenes to satisfy you from any angle:

the BBW
Camel Toe
Cream Pie
Double Penetration
Female Friendly
Hentai - and if you've never seen Hentai porn, you gotta just watch it once.
Point of View
Rough Sex

...and these are just on the sites that I'm aware of. The skat fetish is larger than you may like to think it is. One of the more famous skat video's to make it's way around the net would be the 2G1C vid. Again, to reference Xeni, she writes about the director of that famed viral here

Although 2G1C came out of Brazil, the Asian culture gives us some of the most entertaining and shocking porn out today. As I mentioned earlier, Hentai porn is the ultimate males fantasy porn. Chicks are school girl age most of the time, and often dressed as a school girl. They have huge breasts, a big ol' apple bottom, and an itty bitty waste. Most of the time, Hentai portrays the men forcing themselves upon the women and the women, although struggling at first, begin to enjoy themselves and eventually come to a very, very wet and projectile climax. And the dialogue in these videos are just incredibly entertaining:

This is merely a taste of what the internet has to offer, truly a sexual paradise and free-for-all. Taking a look at sex as a natural, and animalistic instinct, it is only a natural step in the evolution of the sexual revolution for creative sexual acts and pornography to be created and shared. Sexual deviance is here, and it's here to stay.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Angie Brown is Upset

Recently I deleted a dozen or so people from Facebook in an effort to clean up the friends list; those who didn't make the cut included people from my "old life" that I choose not to associate with in real life, so why on the internet? I also impulsively deleted some people b/c their posts are so ignorant that I just didn't want to look at them anymore. I suppose I could just "hide" the person's posts, but really what's the point, may as well just delete them rather than keeping them on the list just to pacify their need to have a billion Facebook friends.

One of the people I deleted was a girl named Angie Brown that I haven't talked to in close to ten years. She sent me an add request last week and I accepted it only to be instantly annoyed by her "u" and "r" and "2morow" method of typing. So, I deleted her. Who cares, right? It's only Facebook, right? Well, according to Angie the internet is serious business (or as some say srs bznss). I get the following message at 1:44am in my Facebook inbox:(my comments in bold)

The purpose of adding me was??

Hahaha okay well that's cool!(clearly it's not) I take it that status update about idiots that day pertained to me also?!? (good guess, but don't flatter yourself) So the point of approval in the first place was? (Habit) It's all good!(again, I don't think it is) Seriously don't even bother with a response.(why not?) The time deleting it without reading it will be a waste.(oh like the time you wasted seeing which friend it was that deleted you when you noticed a drop in your friend count, or the time that it took to write this love note after not talking to me in ten years? Don't worry, honey - I won't reply, even though I know you're DYING for me to do so)

So this really gave me a good laugh when I woke up at 4am today. It's gonna be a great day, I can FEEL it!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Star Stuff

Carl Sagan says that we are made of star stuff. He states that everything in our Solar System, including Earth and all life on it is made from the same chemical elements of past stars. This concept sounded ridiculous to me at first. But after giving it some thought, it makes perfect sense.

Stars are made up of hydrogen and helium and a small amount of heavier elements. When a star explodes into a Super Nova, those elements are forced out into the universe and in turn form stars and, in our case, other planets and life.

10 most common elements of our Solar System by mass
*Keep in mind that many scientists feel that the Universe comprises only about 4% of visible baryonic (The elements - ordinary matter made of protons or neutrons making up stars, planets, living beings) with the remainder being made up of 73% dark energy (the hypothetical energy that fills space and speeds up the expansion of the universe) and 23% dark matter (undetectable by it's radiation, this hypothetical matter is also thought to aid in universe expansion).

1. Hydrogen: 739,000 parts per million
2. Helium: 240,000 parts per million
3. Oxygen: 10,400 parts per million
4. Carbon: 4,600 parts per million
5. Neon: 1.340 parts per million
6. Iron: 1,090 parts per million
7. Nitrogen: 960 parts per million
8. Silicon: 650 parts per million
9. Magnesium: 580 parts per million
10. Sulfur: 440 parts per million

Elements in the Human Body by mass
*99% of body made up of the first six.

1. Oxygen: 65%
2. Carbon: 18%
3. Hydrogen: 10%
4. Nitrogen: 3%
5. Calcium: 1.5%
6. Phosphorus: 1.2%
7. Potassium: 0.2%
8. Sulfur: 0.2%
9. Chlorine: 0.2%
10. Sodium: 0.1%
11. Magnesium: 0.05%
12. Iron, Cobalt, Copper, Zinc, Iodine: < 0.05%
13. Selenium, Fluorine: <0.01%

I find it fascinating that the top four elements in our Solar System share a place with the top four elements in our bodies.

Source for elemental data:

Monday, December 21, 2009

Dream A Little Dream

I've always been one to have some really strange, off the wall dreams which typically inspire me to write a short story or two. Lately, though, my dreams have been more violent and stressful than ever. So stressful, in fact, that I have been waking up super stiff and sore in my neck, shoulders, and chest. I think it's because I'm so tense during the dream, and I must sleep that way too.

Dreams lately for me have consisted of a few things:

Violent Sex
Situations in which I am not in control IE alien / zombie / bacterial invasions
Personal encounters with the unknown IE the universe, certain people

My dreams have been so quick and spastic with absolutely no rhyme or reason to them - I mean, typically dreams are quite chaotic - but usually there is some sort of beginning, middle, and end allowing me to remember them, and sometimes document them. But not lately. Lately it's just flashes in my memory upon wakening and the physical reminders that let me know I just encountered 5 or 6 hours of high stress in a period of time that I should be in relaxation and rejuvenation.

I know that this comes from carrying a lot on my shoulders in terms of stress. Hopefully that will start to fade as time progresses as I've been trying to face and deal with some of the root of my stress rather than ignoring it and hoping it would go away. But it doesn't.

Perhaps the new year will bring me some positive vibes and the courage I need to work through this and move forward. But, that's all just silly superstition.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Frighteningly Accurate

Lately, I have been faced with a lot of internal struggles that have put me into a "lay on the sofa and do nothing when I'm not working" mode. Depression, yes. I have been struggling with my apparent inability to be successful in some of the responsibilities of adulthood, as well as a relationship that has ended up being the best and worst thing that I have in my life, and is forcing me to make a terrifying and painful decision.

I'm also very burned out on what I do for a living. So, in order to change that and move in the direction I would like to go, I applied and interviewed for an entry level analyst in the IT department of my business unit. Well, I didn't get the job. It really shouldn't be a big deal because I have a great job and a great boss and I work for a great company. But it was a bit disheartening. I think mostly because I am dealing with such an internal struggle right now.

I suppose it's time for me to stop living in a make believe world. To stop pretending my biggest problems don't exist, or that they'll disappear.

My life has come to a heartbreaking halt, a realization that things are not getting better, nor progressing, and I am not where I want to be. The upcoming months are going to be really difficult - I have a feeling things are going to come to a screeching halt, my life is going to turn around for either the best or the worse.

I guess at this point I don't really know how to handle things other than writing them down to record where I am. I'm essentially scared to death. But I'm also tired. I'm tired of pretending that life is normal. I am tired of suddenly being slapped in the face with depression in the middle of my work day. I am tired of the tears that sometimes can't even come.

I have never been a believer in horoscopes... never have I read one that really sunk in and that I could relate with. But this morning, a good friend - who also happens to be going through a tough period in her life - sent me our horoscope (since we're both Gemini's), this one is frighteningly accurate and has stirred up these feelings once again:

The Lovers in combination with the Sun: this could mean that you have a choice to make today in your private life. You may have to choose between to friendships or even between two lovers - in either case you are going to have to brace yourself as it's not going to be easy. In fact it's going to be particularly hard, because there is a big conflict raging inside you and because your happiness is at stake. However hard it may be, you do have to do it, don't let the dilemma paralyze you. And, whatever you do, or don't do - don't leave the decision to others! In your professional life, doubts and uncertainty are paralyzing you and preventing you from reacting reasonably to the changes that are taking place. Bearing in mind the influence from Death and the Lovers, you have to accept that this is a rather challenging phase for you. Frustration and disillusionment could take over from your usual optimism - and that would be a bad mistake. Try instead to rekindle your enthusiasm, as this will help you turn around the situation to your advantage.

While I have had a couple of decent days this week - the terror and depression of my life I've carried around with me. The mask I wear is wearing out. Everything is not OK.

I'm looking at a future that will most likely be void of the one thing that matters most to me. I'm frightened and conflicted and generally torn apart - I've never EVER been this sad in my entire life. What other choice do I have though...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I got into my car this morning and noticed a spider had made a web in my driver side mirror. I looked at it for a moment, and thought about the Spider as he / she was building that web. And, I wondered... did the Spider freak out making the web in front of a mirror? What was it thinking when it saw itself making that web?

Speaking of mirrors... I'd love to know how mirrors are made, they have a "How it's Made" episode on that?

I digress...

When my Grandfather was living, he had a special room which included a bulletin board, a chair, and a desk with a computer, printer, and paper, envelops etc; he called it his "Spiderweb", it was a place he would go to write. I've decided to take on the challenge of writing a Novel in November (or the first draft, at least). I have taken on the challenge through to get my story down. We are talking quantity first, not quality; quantity meaning at least 50,000 words (about 175 pages), and the quality following with editing in December. I don't know if my story is going to be any good, but I'm going to do the best I can to make it happen.

Wish me luck.